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01/01/09: Visit with VDI in 2009. 

2009 January Newsletter    Adobe PDF icon

Visit with VDI at the following meetings during 2009:

Virginia Diodes will attend and exhibit at
International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology
(OTST 2009)
March 07-11, 2009
In Santa Barbara, CA

VDI will attend, present a Paper, and Chair a Session at
SPIE Defense, Security & Sensing
In Orlando, FL
April 13-17

VDI will attend and present a Paper at
MRS 2009 Spring Meeting
April 13-17
In San Francisco, CA

Virginia Diodes, Inc. will sponsor with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and the University of Virginia the
20th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology
ISSTT 2009
April 20-22, 2009
In Charlottesville, VA
For more information go to
Several Papers will be presented

VDI will attend the 5th ESA Antenna Workshop on Millimeter Wave Technology and Applications and 31st ESA Antenna Workshop
May 18-20, 2009
In Estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

VDI will attend the
36th International Conference on Plasma Science
And 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering
May 31 – June 5, 2009
In San Diego, CA

VDI will attend and exhibit at the
2009 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
June 7 – 12, 2009
At the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in
Boston, MA

VDI will attend and exhibit at the
International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy
64th Meeting - June 22 – 26, 2009
At Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
For more information go to

VDI will attend the
Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry
July 19 – 23, 2009
In Snowmass, CO
For more information go to