VDI Introductory Product Video: A Brief History of VDI and Overview of VDI Product lines
New Product Developments for VNAX shown at IMS 2020
New Product Developments for Mini SGX shown at IMS 2020
New Product Developments for Power Amplifiers shown at IMS 2020
EE 6GSymp Northeastern
Hexa-X Demo 1- Analogue Multicarrier Over 140 GHz channel
European Microwave Week 2022: Noise Figure Measurement Solution up to ~300 GHz
European Microwave Week 2022: Vector Network Analyzer Extension Modules up to 1.1 THz
6G Radio - THz Sensing Demo
6G Flagship Program, University of Oulu, Finland (
IMS 2021: 6G Terahertz Test Bed Demonstration from VDI/Keysight.
IMS 2021: VDI H-Band S-Parameter Measurement Demo Using a 20 GHz Keysight VNA.
IMS 2021: VDI D-Band Noise Figure and Gain Measurement Demonstration.
mmWave Coalition Webinar: Presented by Jeffrey Hesler, Chief Technology Officer, Virginia Diodes, Inc.
Advancing THz Technology: The Move from Scientific to Commercial Applications - 6G, Space & More
6G World Interviews Gerhard Schoenthal from Virginia Diodes.
At FormFactor's COMPASS Users' Group Conference, held virtually on November 17-18, 2020, VDI CTO
Jeffrey Hesler presented on Advancements of THz Test and Measurement Equipment with a focus on 5G
and 6G Applications.
At the 2020 6G Symposium, Gerhard Schoenthal (VDI COO) presents on Terahertz Technology Challenges.
In a Washington Laboratories Webinar, VDI Chief Technology Officer, Jeffrey Hesler, presented on wideband mmWave
measurements from 50 GHz to 1.5 THz, with a focus on instrumentation and test & measurement requirements for 5G
and 6G applications.
Innovator Spotlight - Revolutionizing Terhahertz Measurements for 6G
mmWave D-Band Phase Noise Measurements for 6G and AD
Keysight’s 6G R&D Testbed with Nokia Bell Lab’s D-Band Radio-on-Glass
Keysight Wideband Millimeter-Wave Test Bed for 6G Research with VDI Compact Converters
VDI joins FormFactor in the MeasureOne Program
This continues VDI’s strong collaborative relationship with FormFactor, Keysight, DMPI and others to bring
leading edge test and measurement solutions to customers.
Learn how Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) works with business and K-12 partners to continually improve its curriculum and make sure it's bridging education and industry in a way that's best for its students.
The PVCC Industrial Electronics Technology Program is building a network of advanced manufacturing partners in the Charlottesville area. With the help of its local business partners, PVCC is continually improving its manufacturing curriculum, creating internship opportunities, and making its students ready to join the workforce.