Noise Test Extension (NTX) Modules
Virginia Diodes, Inc. (VDI) Noise Test Extension (NTX) Modules are used to extend the performance of modern absolute phase noise test solutions in the frequency range from 50 GHz through 330 GHz, in frequency bands from WR-15 (50-75 GHz) to WR-3.4 (220-330 GHz) with additional bands under development. VDI NTX Modules include a waveguide splitter with two down-converter mixer chains for cross-correlation.
Low and High IF Frequency Outputs
VDI NTX Module has two IF output channels for each down-converter. The two IF output channels allows for compatibility with different phase noise analyzers. The Low Frequency IF Output Range is DC to ~160 MHz. The High Frequency IF Output Range is ~300-700 MHz.