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Application Notes

The documents provided on this page are intended solely for the use of VDI's customers.

Form Factor MeasureOne Program 

For more information on the MeasureOne Program, click here.


VDI Application Note: PM5B Compatibility with Keysight VNA

Spectrum Analyzer Extension (SAX)

VDI Application Note: MixAMC Block Conversion vs. Spectrum Analyzer Extension (VDI-1007)

VDI Application Note: VDI SAX Modules - Installation and Quick Start Guide


Power Meter 

VDI Application Note: VDI Taper Use with PM - Power Measurement above WR10 Band 
See the Erickson PM5B manual for more details. 

VDI Application Note: Low Power Measurements (VDI-1005)

VDI Application Note: PM5B Compatibility with Keysight VNA


VDI Application Note: VDI Notes on Diode Mount and Solder (VDI-1003)
The following notes are some general guidelines and details that may be helpful when flip-chip mounting/soldering VDI diodes to circuits. The procedure noted here is essentially the procedure used by VDI. The VDI diode solder contact pads are Au thin films. Process times and temperatures are variable and depend upon the Customer’s circuits or substrates being used. This outline is simply intended to give some general guidelines for diode flip-chip mounting and soldering.

VDI Application Note: Diode Specifications (VDI-1004)
The following notes describe how to interpret VDI diode specifications.

Horn Antennas

VDI Application Note: VDI Waveguide Feedhorn Specifications (VDI-1001)
This document provides specifications for VDI's waveguide feedhorns. Previous VDI Feedhorn documentation may be accessed here.


VDI Application Note: VDI Waveguide Band Designations (VDI-1002)
This document details the waveguide bands, dimensions and designations employed by VDI. Generally VDI's products conform to the standards defined by "IEEE P1785.1 Standard for Rectangular Metallic Waveguides and their Interfaces for Frequencies of 110 GHz and Above, Part 1: Frequency Bands and Waveguide Dimensions". Some VDI frequency multipliers and harmonic mixers require non-standardized waveguide sizes optimized for those particular components. For example, a full-band WR-10 frequency doubler with an output band of 75-110 GHz has an input band of 37-55 GHz. The closest standard band at the input is WR-22 covering 33-50 GHz and thus VDI has adopted a WR-21.0 waveguide with dimensions 210 x 105 mils. VDI's WR-21.0 flange mates directly to the EIA standard WR-22 flange. See "Recommendations for Waveguide Interfaces to 1 THz" for more details and notes on waveguide bands and flanges. Previous VDI documentation may be accessed here.

VDI Application Note: VDI Precision Waveguide Interface 
VNAX Modules and Calibration Kits use the Precision Interface. All other VDI components, please refer to the Standard Waveguide Interface definition below.

VDI Application Note: VDI Standard Waveguide Interface

VDI Application Note: VDI Waveguide Interface (for WR-19 and larger) (VDI-795)


VDI Application Note: Atmospheric Attenuation at THz (VDI-1006)

VDI Application Note: VDI Summary of Solid-State Sources


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