12/01/05: VDI Marketing Products in Japan.
THz Technology and Science is a major initiative in Japan and AmTechs-VDI are making every effort to meet the Customer’s needs. Amtechs Corporation (AmT) continues to offer outstanding customer service and distribute VDI products throughout Japan. Visit AmT today at http://www.amtechs.co.jp/ to see a wide range of mmWave, THz, RF, GPS, GIS, and Test Equipment Products.
Dr Jeffrey Hesler, Vice President VDI, recently gave an invited lecture at Tera Tech 2005 in Osaka. Dr. Hesler exhibited VDI products with Amtechs (below). Please visit http://www.ile.osaka-u.ac.jp/research/THP/thz2005/index.html for further details.
Amtechs also attended the Microwave Workshop Exhibition (MWE 2005) in Pacifico Yokohama during November 2005 to discuss VDI products with customers.
Contact AmTechs today in Japan for further information about VDI products.